Kratom For Sleep

kratom for sleep
Kratom For Insomnia

February 14, 2015 Kratom Expert Kratom Uses

Can Kratom Be Used to Treat Insomnia?- Kratom’s Effects on Sleep
Lots of medications and herbal remedies impact the sleep cycle; some have a positive effect, while others have a less than positive impact. Kratom is one substance that can have a varying impact on your sleep cycle, depending upon the dosage and your sensitivity.

What is Kratom and How Does it Work?
Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, is a leafy tree that’s native to southeast Asia, including Thailand and Indonesia, where native cultures have used as a remedy for many generations.

Kratom’s leaves are used to make a number of different products, including resins, tinctures, powder, powder extract, oils and capsules. The powder is also brewed into a tea.

While it can produce many opiate-like effects, kratom is not an opiate. The active ingredients in kratom are called alkaloids. One alkaloid, called mitragynine, is a stimulant, while the other primary alkaloid, 7-hydroxymitragyine, is regarded as a sedative and analgesic. Like opiates, these alkaloids impact the brain’s μ-opioid receptors.

kratom for insomnia
Kratom may help with sleep problems
Kratom Dose, Insomnia and Sleep
Kratom’s precise effects vary according to the dosage and the precise variety. In lower dosages, it can provide added energy, euphoria and relief of nausea and anxiety. In higher doses, it produces effects such as relaxation and sedation. Therefore, if you’re looking to cure insomnia and sleep, kratom dosage should be on the higher end of the spectrum.

Kratom relieves insomnia and sleeping problems in a couple of different ways. Firstly, it offers feelings of well-being and even euphoria, while reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. Many people who suffer from sleep problems and insomnia cite mental stress and anxieties as a major cause of sleepless nights. Kratom provides relief from these ailments, allowing your mind to quiet and relax.

Kratom also brings about feelings of relaxation and sedation. That involves a slower heart rate, slower breathing and an all-around more peaceful body rhythm. This makes it easier for an individual to transition into sleep.

How to Use Kratom for Insomnia and Sleep Problems
A bit of experimentation may be required to find the ideal dosage and variety of kratom to induce sleep and cure insomnia. Kratom varieties such as Premium Indo, Red Bali and Red Thai kratom tend to be favored amongst those who use kratom for insomnia and sleep problems.

Kratom dosages of 4 to 5 grams are recommended for achieving a sedative effect, but the impact varies from person to person. Each individual’s tolerance and sensitivity will vary.

The ideal time to take kratom for sleep varies from person to person, but an analysis of online postings revealed that a majority of users preferred to ingest kratom around 90 minutes to 2 hours before bed time. Again, this is where individual sensitivity will have a significant impact, so it’s best to experiment with timing and dosage to find the desired effect.

Kratom and Lucid Dreams
Kratom is said to have an impact on dreams too.

lucid dream kratom
Did you know that kratom can be used to induce lucid dreams?
Many report more vivid dreams and fewer nightmares when taking kratom for insomnia and sleep problems. In fact, many actually use kratom to induce lucid dreams — extremely vivid dreams where the dreamer often realizes that they are dreaming. In lucid dreams, the dreamer can consciously control the dream. Lucid dreams are sometimes called ‘waking dreams‘ for dreamer’s the ability to remain aware of the fact that they’re in a dream.

Notably, many kratom users report that they fall into a deep sleep much faster when they’ve taken kratom. In fact, others report that they have a very difficult time waking up in the morning after taking kratom, even sleeping through the alarm clock!

So this is a point to keep in mind if you’re trying kratom for sleep problems or insomnia. Make it a point to set an extra alarm or turn up the alarm extra loud to ensure you wake in time.

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